Monday, June 19, 2017

Joseph Smith's Polygamy

This is a fascinating exchange I found in Joseph Smith lll Memoirs. One of the "smoking guns" of Joseph Smith Jr.'s polygamy/polyandry is Orson Pratt wife's relationship with Joseph Smith Jr. Supposedly, while on a mission, Joseph Smith Jr. took Orson's wife as a polyandrous wife without Orson's or Emma's consent. Below is an interview between Joseph Smith lll and Orson Pratt's wife. Joseph Smith lll's interview of Miss Pratt: I asked her to consider the circumstances in which I was placed. I was the son of the Prophet; had been baptized by him; was a member, though young one, at the time of his death, and thought that I understood, in part, at least, the principles the church taught and believed. But following his death, certain things were said about him, his teaching and practice, which were at variance with what I known and believed about him and the doctrines he presented, Naturally I wanted to know the truth of these matters, for I assured her I would much rather meet here in this life whatever of truth might be revealed about those things, even though it were adverse to what I believed to be his character, than to wait until after I passed to the other side and there be confronted with it and compelled to alter my position should revealment prove I was in error. She [Miss Pratt] told me to proceed and the following conversation took place. "Did you know my father in Nauvoo?" "Yes, I knew him well." "Were you antiquated with his general deportment in society, especially toward women?" "Yes." "Did you ever know him to be guilty of any impropriety in speech or conduct towards women in society or elsewhere?" "No, sir, never. Your father was always the gentleman, and I never heard any language from him or saw any conduct of his that was not proper and respectful." "Did he ever visit you or at your house?" "He did." "Did he ever at such times or at any other time or place make improper overtures to you, or proposals for an improper nature-begging your pardon for the indelicacy of the question?" "To this Mrs. Pratt replied, quietly but firmly, "No, Joseph; your father never said an improper word to me in his life. He knew better." "Sister Pratt, it has been frequently told that he behaved improperly in your presence, and I have been told that I dare not come to you and ask you about your relations with him, for fear you would tell me things which would be unwelcome to me." "You need have no fear," she repeated. "Your father was never guilty of an action or proposal for an improper nature in my house, towards me, or in my presence, at any time or place. There is no truth in the reports that have been circulated about him in this regard. He was always the Christian gentleman, and a noble man." This conversation was done in the presence of Joseph Smith lll and Doctor Benedict. - The Memoirs of President Joseph Smith, page 33 The LDS Church has always stated Joseph Smith Jr. had many wives. This is their position. They need to defend what Brigham Young advocated. I have read all the affidavits gathered by Joseph F Smith, from Joseph Smith Jr.'s supposed wives. Personally, I am unconvinced. I would take Emma and Joseph Smith lll's word any day.

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